Apparently a PennDot truck has managed to remove Comcast from all the homes in our area. No Eagles football game, nothing but static! I decided to stick in the dvd: March of the Penguins to help me get my Sunday afternoon snooze in. Well, before I got to sleep there were two ideas that came to me as I drifted off. The following thoughts are triggered by the assumption that the documentary is somewhat accurate. Let me expand on the first thought today:
The penguins always go back to the exact same location for their mating process. While they always go to the same location, they never go the same way. Because they never travel the same path, sometimes they come across obstacles. The whole procession seems to stop until a new leader emerges to show the group around the obstacle.
Unlike leadership situations in the ‘real world,’ new, young, up-and-coming leaders don’t step up until the need is there. Far to often in our culture, young leaders, eager to show their worth start stepping up and causing division. They attempt to push the current leader aside and make a name for themselves. This doesn’t usually lend well to their credibility and character. For those young leaders who are willing to wait until the timing is right, not only will their competence be obvious,they will have earned a following because they have done things the right way.
Jesus says these words in Luke 14:11 (CEV). “If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.” Humility is an important foundation to others-serving leadership.