
Complementary Teams

Complementary Teams

Most people in leadership roles have gone through the Strengths Finder 2.0 materials to determine their inbred strengths. Quite a smaller number have had the discussion about how that information impacts the team they are serving on. I’ve served on quite a number of church leadership teams. Some were healthy, some not so much. Some […]

GroupMe... Get your group communicating

GroupMe… Get your group communicating

My small group has been using a tool to help us keep in touch. Most of us are on facebook, some are on twitter, everyone has a cell phone. [UPDATE: For users outside of the US, using the SMS option will result in international texting fees. It is better to use the app from your […]

Talking WITH God

Prayer is another critically important habit to have in your daily routine. Far too often the only consistent prayer time we have is just before we eat! And that prayer is often routine and rote. I read a book years ago written by a pastor of a very large church. The title of the book: […]

Valentines – A Clue for the Guys!

A maybe not-so-subtle reminder to the guys out there!

Dancing in the Nude!

Earlier this week I was at a funeral and heard a humorous recollection. The gal telling the story was visiting her grandmother with her father and in the course of the conversation, both father and daughter heard grandmother make the comment, “I was dancing in the nude.” It was only after clarification by the son […]