
Watch out for the neighbors

Watch out for the neighbors

The old saying in real estate is: “location, location, location.” The value of your property will definitely be impacted by the property’s around it. Real Estate agents pull ‘comps’ to see what the house you’re selling, or buying, should be worth. We are in the process of looking for a new home. Looking at the […]

Stress Factors

Not all stress comes from negative circumstances. Even very positive events produce stress. In the last ten days, I’ve experienced three positive events that have produced high levels of stress. Last weekend, we had flown to Minneapolis and I proudly filled the roles of Father-of-the-Bride and pastor of the ceremony. Yeah, there were some unplanned […]

Resistance Training

Resistance Training

My small group had just begun a study of the book of James. After the opening few minutes of “Who was James?” and “Why did he write the letter?” questions, we dug into the first main topic that James covers. Trials and Testings. This passage, James 1:2-18, was particularly appropriate to our small group at […]

Studying Your Bible Does Not Make You a Disciple

Studying Your Bible Does Not Make You a Disciple

A friend of mine studied classical Greek in college… a secular college. He wasn’t a Christian at the time. I know Pastor’s who tried to avoid studying classical Greek in college – I was one of them but failed to evade a class in Greek and Hebrew. When my friend did finally start his personal […]

Employment Fasting

Employment Fasting

There are a few terms I’ve used to describe my time between ministry positions. “Ministry Hiatus,” “The Land Between” (Thanks to Jeff Manion) and sometimes “H-E- Double hockey sticks” (yes my Canadian heritage shows though on this one). One day, while in that not so enjoyable time, the term “Employment Fast” came to me. I […]