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You are browsing the site archives for November 2009.

An Incomplete List of People

Over the last few days I’ve been reflecting on the people who have been in my life over the years. God has brought many people who have impacted me in various ways into my life. Most importantly various family members; my wife, who has been a wonderful partner for more than 20 years in life […]

A Very Sad Day

Not even two weeks ago our Care Ministries Pastor was diagnosed with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer. This morning she went to receive her eternal reward. Words sound so hollow, activity seems so routine. I find great comfort in these words however: I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, […]

The Stupid Little Voice

This Sunday we put a spotlight on Missions. After interviewing a new missionary who has changed careers to follow God’s call on he and his family’s life, I commented that it is my prayer that some from our own church would be called to the field. Even while I was stating it this stupid little […]

A Chip Off the Old Block

“An iceberg is a large piece of ice from freshwater that has broken off from a snow-formed glacier or ice shelf and is floating in open water.” (Wikipedia) With only one seventh to one tenth of the mass of an iceberg above water, clearly there is more to it than first appears. That truth can […]