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You are browsing the site archives for February 2010.


Have you ever had that one meal that when you finished you sat back and said, “Wow, my appetite is satisfied once and for all!”? Of course not, our appetite is something that cannot be permanently satisfied. In fact, feeding your appetite actually increases, not decreases, your appetite! Fasting isn’t an inherently spiritual activity – […]

Valentines – A Clue for the Guys!

A maybe not-so-subtle reminder to the guys out there!

New Look

Every now and then you’ve just got to clean things up. Started cleaning, it lead to new look and feel, and that led to… check out the new (90% done) look. Love to hear from you!

Study Your Bible

When I was in college my great claim to fame was that my GPA went up every semester. What I don’t brag about is that I had a habit of cramming for exams. I’d attend classes (usually) and take notes. I’d even read (most) of the required reading (sometimes right in class). However, I rarely […]