Talking WITH God

Prayer is another critically important habit to have in your daily routine. Far too often the only consistent prayer time we have is just before we eat! And that prayer is often routine and rote. I read a book years ago written by a pastor of a very large church. The title of the book: “Too Busy Not to Pray.”

Far too often prayer is something we participate in when we need God to bail us out of some circumstance instead of keeping the lines of communication open in the most important relationship of your life.

If you have children, you know the feeling when one of you children approaches and says, “I love you.” The words are nice to hear, but sometimes there is something about the tone with which they are delivered that you intuitively know that they are about to ask for something. I often wonder how often, when I pray, God experiences that same feeling. I wonder if God ever feels like we view him as a ‘sugar-daddy.’

This week in your pray time, focus on communicating with God, not on asking God for things. Intentionally listen more that talk. Prayer is a conversation with our heavenly dad, not the presentation of our list of wants to Santa.