If a tree falls in the woods

There is an old Chinese proverb that says: “When a tree falls it makes a big noise; when a forest grows nobody hears anything.” In leadership we can be tempted to run toward the sound of “crashing trees.” After all, the excitement of sudden change can be quite alluring. We need to remember though that trees falling are not what they are intended to do!

A tree’s purpose is grow and remain standing, strong and healthy. Sometimes through outside forces or inside forces, trees fall. Usually the fall indicates something is was wrong with the tree. As leaders, we need to focus on the quiet, steady growth of those we are leading. Whether it is an organization or a group of individuals, healthy growth is the preventative measure to a premature fall.

In growing healthy followers of Christ, we must never forget the fundamentals.

  1. Reading the Bible (for more than information)
  2. Praying (for more than meals)
  3. Christ-centered relationships (for more than social connections)

Often times we are distracted by the excitement of rapid and sudden change, the new idea that is creating buzz, however, it is often in the quiet, consistent execution of the fundamentals that healthy growth occurs.