Slaves to what?

The great theologian, Bob Dylan, recorded the song, “Gotta Serve Somebody” in 1979 on his album, “Slow Train Coming.” The lyrics of the chorus were an attempt by Dylan to inject religion into his song:

You’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody

This concept is biblical, you will serve someone.

Paul writes in Romans 6:18 that those of us who are Christ-followers are slaves to righteousness and no longer slaves to sin.

Obviously the differences between slavery to sin and slavery to righteousness are evident by our actions. Before we carry out those actions, our heart takes a stand. Our hearts reveal whether we are slaves to righteousness or slaves to sin LONG before we carry out any action.

People who are slaves to sin usually ask the question: how far can I go before it is sinful?

People who are slaves to righteousness ask the question: how close can I get to God?

Being a slave to sin pulls you away from God just as being a slave to righteousness pulls you away from sin.

It all has to do with what your object of attention is. What we fixate on, will have the greatest influence in our life.