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Death of a Burden

Death of a Burden

As I have been going though my current transition I have noticed an interesting pattern. While going though the emotional journey of loss, I have attempted to cognitively process those very emotions. I have noticed a parallel to what is known as The Five Stages of Grief. In her 1969 book, On Death and Dying, […]

David and Saul

There are many things about King David that that earned him the description: “a man after God’s own heart.” Remaining submissive to Saul is one of those things. 1. David was a better leader than Saul. 1 Samuel 18:7 says that the people were celebrating that David was a better leader than Saul. David had […]


When I go to my doctor because I’m not feeling good he goes through a process to diagnose what it really wrong with me. He starts asking some basis questions that narrow the options of my illness. “Where does it hurt?” “My elbow.” He has now narrowed down the potential diagnosis… I clearly don’t have […]

Value Added Living

I was recently thinking about the value that group life has added to my life. I grew up in church, a pastors home even. I can remember when I was a child being sick on Sundays and having to go and spend Sunday morning in my father’s office instead of in my bed. Going to […]

Triple-Threat Leadership : Book Review

I just finished a real quick read, Alan Danielson’s ebook, “Triple-Threat Leadership” It truly is a one sitting read. Alan takes the three critical skills needed in leaders and talks about how each leader has a predisposed leadership style based on the way they are wired. In a refreshing change from the ‘play to your […]