Living Life in the Zone : Book Review

I received a copy of Living Life in the Zone – A 40-Day Spiritual Game Plan for Men by Kyle Rote Jr. & Dr. Joe Pettigrew from Thomas Nelson Publishers as a part of their BookSneeze program.

The authors present their teachings using the analogy of sports, something that men clearly can identify with. The main spheres that they address are; marriage, family, friends, work and the future. Each section is broken down into 7 readings per week with the first week laying the ground work for the remaining days.

In each of the of the main sections, the authors present their hypothesis in a section called “Coach’s Corner” followed “The Game Plan” in which they provide a few key points with biblical verses. Each section also contains a section called “Playmakers” that focus on well known sports figures who inspire the readers in the sphere being discussed, each day’s reading ends with a “Time Out” of questions that the reader can use for self examination and an Assignment.

This was an easy read and quite practical. Playing off the popular 40 Day model of studies, this book can be a great tool to help establish the personal discipline of reading. Each day’s reading takes no more than a few minutes and could be fit into anyone’s daily routine; early morning, lunch break or end of the day.