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You are browsing the site archives for October 2010.

Teams : Complement or Compensate

This past weekend was the 2010 Ryder Cup. A unique golf event. Golf is a sport for individuals. The Ryder Cup takes this sport for individuals and creates a team-based event. The USA vs. Europe. There are three types of matches to the competition. One is called Fourballs, two players from each team play their […]

Evaluate Your Group Effectiveness

Every now and then a leader needs to take inventory about how their group is going. For all-church group life evaluation, forms and online assessment tools are great. However, there is a need for each group leader to take a reading of where their own group is at. It’s not meant for deep evaluation. One […]

Everyone needs a coach!

Everyone needs a coach!

Mentoring and coaching are two different avenues to the same end: growth and personal development. Both types of relationships are needed so we can fully develop. Often we look for mentors, people who have been where we want to be and we learn how to get there from them. We also need coaches in our […]