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As I think through my life, I can see many times where I hesitated because I wasn’t sure. I can also see times where I should have hesitated. The times I should have hesitated were marked by my own impetuousness and instead of simply counting the cost upfront, I paid the price. The times when […]

This Group Gets It! (repost)

I received an email from one of our group leaders this week about their plans for their summer series. It is one of the best ideas that I’ve heard a group doing for the summer! Here’s what the leader wrote: Our group will be doing some things differently for our next study. We all have […]

Mercy and Grace

Mercy and Grace

Mercy is “not getting what we do deserve.” Grace is “getting what we don’t deserve.” We are supposed to extend both mercy and grace to those in our circles of interaction. Most of us are better at mercy than we are at grace. Often times, simply biting our tongue or refraining from action results in […]

#5 Belief

This is the last in the series regarding my strengths as indicated by Tom Rath’s Strengths Finder 2.0 assessment tool. People who are especially talented in the Belief theme have certain core values that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a defined purpose for their life. I believe that my faith in God and […]

When The Big C Hits Home

This weekend it was announced that, due to financial issues in the church, my position was being eliminated. For more than five years I’ve grown to love the people of this church. I have prayed for you, tried to encourage you and also to challenge you to love God and love others. This has been […]