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The Front Fell Off

Sometimes being a public speaker isn’t as easy as one would think. Only politicians and comedians can talk real fast without saying anything. Reminds me of the old “Who’s on First?” sketch.

Develop or Deploy

Develop or Deploy

There’s a whole lot of talk about developing leadership in the church world. Unfortunately, more talk than action. Your own leadership style has more of a determining factor on your ability and inclination to develop others than their willingness to be developed. The ‘run and gun’ leader is motivated by results and usually looking for […]

Second Chair, Not Second Class

Second Chair, Not Second Class

Everyone has a desire for their life to matter, to count, to be worthwhile. We want to be able to answer “yes” to the question: “If I wasn’t here anymore, would I be missed?” There are few people that that are content to just get through life without making a contribution. I currently serve in […]

The Path Leads Somewhere

The Path Leads Somewhere

A friend in a former church that I served used to say of parenting, “Pick your path and live with where it leads.” No parent looks at their newborn and dreams of an emotionally broken, codependent, needy and/or abusive future for their child. No parent in their right mind would do that. Every parent wants […]

Ten Stupid Things : Review

Book: Ten Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing by Geoff Surratt Geoff writes an extremely practical book looking at many of the common (yet maybe not identified) barriers that prevent churches from growing. Some on the list are internal issues (Trying to do it all, Establishing the wrong role for the Pastor’s family) and […]