Radical Together by @plattdavid : Book Review

“…you and I are not intended to plunge down the mountain of radical obedience alone.”

On page one of the book’s introduction, I had a sneaking suspicion that I was going to like this book. I come from a ‘group life’ perspective and believe that very little about following Christ is a individual activity. It only makes sense that being ‘radical’ in our faith is best lived out in the context of biblical community!

I haven’t (yet) read Radical, Platt’s preceding text in which he challenges believers to ‘take back their faith from the American dream.’ However, it is now on my reading list. In Radical Together, Platt challenges the local church to adopt a radical focus on the lost. Two chapters in particular were of interest to me.

In the first chapter, Platt starts off hitting straight on with a challenge for local church leaders to to put everything on the table. To sacrifice the GOOD for the so that the church can accomplish the GREAT commission. He makes a great argument regarding church programming and how the very things we do in the church can impede the church members from actually living out the mission of the church! There is, of course, nothing wrong with church programs and ministries. However, often, churches can get so busy with internally focused progamming we fail at making a significant impact in the lives of those who do not yet know Christ.

The fifth chapter, Our Unmistakable Task, also struck a cord with me. Platt’s call to affect world missions, not just local missions resonated with me. Probably because I grew up in a missionary home as a young child. (David: I can actually remember seeing both black and green mamba’s while living in Kenya and share your dislike for snakes – you’ll have to read chapter six for that story.) Platt doesn’t present world missions as the priority over local missions, it isn’t a case of either/or but rather both/and.

One of the bonus pieces in this book is an included Small Group Discussion Guide. It isn’t just a time to rehash a chapter of the book but instead a time to talk about what it would look like in your life if you were living radically.

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NB: I received a free copy of Radical Together from Multnomah Publishing for the purpose of this review.

You can pick up your own copy at: Amazon or Christian Book Distributors. Both of these providers offer electronic version for your eReader.

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