Outlive Your Life : Book Review
In his book, Outlive Your Life: You were Made to Make a Difference, Max Lucado challenges his readers to live lives of compassion. The only real way that our lives can last and have significance, is if we are focused on living for and serving others. Through a multitude of stories, Max inspires the reader […]

Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code : Book Review
Culture eats vision for lunch! You can change the look of the platform but nothing has changed until you address the culture. Samuel Chand presents a great look at what prevents successful change and transition in “Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code.” Chand presents the idea that it is a church’s culture that needs to be […]

SoulPrint by @MarkBatterson : Book Review
In a world of hero worship and mimicry, Mark Batterson writes a book that challenges the reader to be the person that God intended them to be, not a replica of someone else. This is the first book of Mark’s that I’ve read cover to cover. I’ve used and recommended some of the Small Group […]