Employment Fasting

There are a few terms I’ve used to describe my time between ministry positions. “Ministry Hiatus,” “The Land Between” (Thanks to Jeff Manion) and sometimes “H-E- Double hockey sticks” (yes my Canadian heritage shows though on this one).

One day, while in that not so enjoyable time, the term “Employment Fast” came to me. I bounced the concept of a few people who inevitably would chuckle when they first heard it. But as I explained my thinking, they seemed to see the connection.

Classically, fasting is the giving up of food. In the modern era people will give up any number of things as a fast. Media fasting, Social-media fasting, vegetable fasting and a variety of other things. I have to admit, I’m a bit of a purest when it comes to fasting. For me, it is about giving up food though I once fasted from twitter on a dare.

The purpose of a spiritual fast is to refrain from something that is important to you as a discipline to re-prioritize and focus on your relationship with God.

With that in mind: I began to view my time of unemployment as a time of “employment fasting.” A time when I could, without the distraction of a job, put a greater focus on my relationship with God. I had more time to read His Word. I had more time to pray. More time to consciously walk day by day in His presence.

However, just like giving up food isn’t meant to be the norm, going without work isn’t to be the norm either! As much as I have tried to lean into my employment fast, I must confess: I’m glad it is over!

Details to follow.

3 Responses

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  1. ruth ratz
    ruth ratz at |

    This blog makes me embarrassed that I worried so much about you, and questioned God about His timing. But now I repent, and praise the Lord for the great things He has done in your life and the great things He has ahead for you.

  2. Leslie Pierson
    Leslie Pierson at |

    What this is all we get?

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