Slack Tide

There is a time of calm at the shore when the tides are changing. It’s called slack tide. It is a time of transition. It is a time of little movement. It lacks the energy of the high tide with it’s waves and the regressing currents of low tide. It is just there.

There are times in our spiritual journey that resemble slack tide. We need these times. We need times where we back of the throttle and rest.

There are two slack tides a day. One as the transition between high and low tide occurs and one as the transition between low and high tide occurs.

Recently in my small group, we talked about church involvement. Not church attending, but actual shoulder-to-the-wheel involvement. Some of the group were not currently serving. Some never really had. Some were actively working to propel the mission of the church forward. Some were taking some time off because they had reached a point of feeling burned out.

Taking some time off is okay, it is even a good thing (the Bible calls is Sabbath). But slack tide never lasts for long. Eventually we need to get back into the current and feel the surge of the tide.