You need him in your group

“Well that sure sounded impressive! What do you mean?”

N____’s comment was met with a chuckle by the group, except the guy he was talking to. J___ just had this somewhat stunned look on his face. After all he had just answered an incredibly deep theological question with as equally deep an answer. It was textbook, I mean: it sure sounded like a textbook.

N____ had been a Christ-follower for less than a year. He came from a family whose idea of sitting in rows on Sunday morning was two rows of motorcycles hauling down the open road. Substance abuse was a normal part of their daily routine.

J____, had served on staff at a local church before burning out. He was taking a well earned, extended ministry hiatus.

N____ brought biblically accurate information to our group meetings. J____ made sure we kept it real and practical.

Every group needs a J____ in it. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Keepin’ it real. J____ had a great ability to call us out if he smelled us waxing the eloquent.

2. Mentoring happens. When a group of friends are getting together each week to talk about biblical principles and how to apply them to their lives, the young believer can ask questions and start implementing the principles intentionally.

3. Mature members grow too. It has been said that you don’t truly understand something until you can teach it. When a younger believer questions your use of fancy words, and you have to go back and simplify your statement, it engages your brain on a whole new level. Once your brain is engaged, you may actually learn something!