The old saying in real estate is: “location, location, location.” The value of your property will definitely be impacted by the property’s around it. Real Estate agents pull ‘comps’ to see what the house you’re selling, or buying, should be worth.
We are in the process of looking for a new home. Looking at the floor plan and number of bedrooms is only part of the checklist. Paying attention to the surrounding neighborhood is something that also matters.
Paul recognizes the importance of our neighborhood, maybe not the geographical one, but definitely the relational neighborhood we choose to connect with. In 1 Cor. 15:33, he quotes a cultural proverb of his day, “Bad company corrupts good character.”
One of the lessons that parents try to teach their children is to hang out with ‘thr right crowd.’ Parents have learned through the years that there are some people who build you up and some who pull you down.
Buying a house is pretty important. It has economic impact on our future. Building the right relationships is imperative. It has character impact on our life!
Life situations bring on spiritual applications. Hope you find a home in the right neighborhood.