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GroupMe... Get your group communicating

GroupMe… Get your group communicating

My small group has been using a tool to help us keep in touch. Most of us are on facebook, some are on twitter, everyone has a cell phone. [UPDATE: For users outside of the US, using the SMS option will result in international texting fees. It is better to use the app from your […]

Transformed Thinking - not just Doing

Transformed Thinking – not just Doing

In 1997 my family moved from Canada to the United States. The transition was pretty smooth and we made the necessary adjustments in culture and so on. One transition was both immediate and continuous (even to this day) for me. It revolves around the spoken word: that thing we call an “accent.” Both my wife […]

Six quick parallels between parenting and group leadership

Six quick parallels between parenting and group leadership

This weekend our oldest child is getting married! We are extremely excited and pleased as she moves into the next phase of life. She has chosen a great mate to travel the rest of her life with, truly a man of character. As I think back over the years about raising our children I’ve come […]

You need him in your group

You need him in your group

“Well that sure sounded impressive! What do you mean?” N____’s comment was met with a chuckle by the group, except the guy he was talking to. J___ just had this somewhat stunned look on his face. After all he had just answered an incredibly deep theological question with as equally deep an answer. It was […]

When the Innocent Pay

I have a distinct memory when I was in elementary school and there were some kids around me misbehaving. Now, don’t get me wrong, I usually held my own when it came to misbehaving in school, but this time, I was actually doing what I was supposed to be doing. The teacher’s solution to the […]