Stress Factors

Not all stress comes from negative circumstances. Even very positive events produce stress.

In the last ten days, I’ve experienced three positive events that have produced high levels of stress. Last weekend, we had flown to Minneapolis and I proudly filled the roles of Father-of-the-Bride and pastor of the ceremony. Yeah, there were some unplanned pauses as I tried to hold back the emotion. Then, before we left Minneapolis, we spent a couple of days getting our other daughter set-up for her sophomore year at North Central University. More tears as we left her on the porch. Finally, yesterday I made the drive from Philly to Cambridge, leaving my wife and son behind for a month. I start a new job today.

So, how do you deal with stress?

I’ve learned I must be proactive while going through higher-than-normal stress times.

1. Big projects need to be broken down into smaller tasks. Be it a wedding or an international move, bite-sized tasks aren’t nearly as overwhelming as the the big project. My Remember the Milk account has been getting a workout lately.

2. I’ve got to be conscious of my physical state. Getting enough rest and eating properly are critical to helping maintain emotional balance in times of high stress.

3. Ensure that I don’t neglect the spiritual dimension. As stress levels go up, it is important that I maintain the routine and consistency of my devoted time with God. Time spent in prayer and reading His Word provides a sense of peace regardless of the chaos around me.

What are some of the ways you deal with stress?