Ministry Distraction Disorder

A number of years ago I figured out that one of the reasons that I fail at accomplishing stated goal is because I get distracted. I’m not someone that deals with A.D.D. and the ‘attraction of shiny objects’ syndrome, but there are times when I allow the seemingly urgent to distract me from the important to use some popular terms.

For me, I have noticed that when I am getting close to accomplishing a goal, someone comes along with a need of some type and I get distracted because I want to help them.

I recently had one such distraction where I engaged the individual, then a few minutes into it, pulled back. It was over the next few days as I continued to think about that interaction that I realized that individual could become a long term distraction to what God was wanting me to accomplish.

The struggle I have is that my life purpose isn’t to accomplish projects, it’s to help people. When someone is in need, I want to help. Sometimes, however, helping one individuals prevents me from helping many others. It isn’t a case of value, it really becomes a case of priority.

How do you deal with distractions that are not “bad” distractions but “good” ones that will still distract you from your goal?