A friend of mine was diagnosed with brain cancer

A friend of mine in Michigan was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Almost every day he emails those who have covenanted to pray with him with an update and/or what he’s thinking. Yesterday he provided one of his classic ‘bigger picture’ observations that I thought was worth sharing!


I have a friend named Tom. Tom got saved watching Christian TV. Now that seemed a bit funky for Tom, so he said to God “If this is real, You have got to show me something”. Reasonable request. At the time Tom managed a transmission repair shop. Well, that week, every customer Tom had, 20-30 or so, was a Christian and had something to share with Tom. God showed Tom and Tom is still serving the Lord. Now for the Konrad insight on the story. During that week God messed with 20-30 transmissions just to get the people in the shop and show Himself real to Tom. Think about it. Dear saints were casting demons out of their broken transmissions, were calling their prayer chains to do battle for their broken cars, were questioning God as how he could allow the transmission to fail. And all the time, it was not an attack of Satan or a failure of Gods protection, it was God using them to show himself real to Tom. Puts a new slant on things, doesn’t it. Get a ticket? Lose your job? Crash your car? Business in difficulty? The list goes on. These may all be God using you to show Himself real to someone. You see, if you look deep enough, everything that happens to you can be used to reach or touch others. Once again, it’s not about you, it’s not about me. It’s all kingdom business. So be prepared to have your transmission messed with once in a while.

I am proud to call Konrad a friend!

2 Responses

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  1. Cori
    Cori at |

    John, that is a wonderful insight into the mind and the workings of God. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Randall
    Randall at |

    I too have been learning over the years to look at adversity as opportunity for growth. Sure we should pray for protection from trials and tests, but when they come, rejoice!, for God sees the ultimate good of our circumstances. He is faithful.

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