
At the beginning of my blogging life I thought it would be appropriate to acknowledge someone who helped get me into the bogging world. My only regret is that his influence in my blogging life will only be noted by the very few who are readers!

Over the past few years I’ve gotten to know this man better in a variety of aspects. He is involved in the church that I am on the pastoral staff at – that actually is an understatement… he is VERY involved! One of the first things I noticed about this man is that he has the heart of a servant. He is involved in the technical support for our Sunday and Wednesday services. Spending many hours outside those service times doing work that people never know about. They simply see the result of those hours.

A bigger piece of this man’s life is to help others in their development. He is a teacher by trade, but more so, by passion. This has led him into leading a small group, then handing that responsibility off and becoming a small group coach. His heart to see others grow is to be admired.

He even has influence in in ‘less important’ arenas… like blogging. Thus my journey into the blogsphere.

Thanks Gerald, for all you do, and for who you are!

2 Responses

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  1. Dave Phoenix
    Dave Phoenix at |

    Thanks John for opening peoples eyes to someone that blesses in ways they do not understand. You probably know I assist in sound at Tommy Barnetts Church, Phoenix First Assembly.

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