A Chip Off the Old Block

“An iceberg is a large piece of ice from freshwater that has broken off from a snow-formed glacier or ice shelf and is floating in open water.” (Wikipedia)

With only one seventh to one tenth of the mass of an iceberg above water, clearly there is more to it than first appears. That truth can also be applied to our character. Only a percentage is available for public viewing. Much of our character is hidden deep beneath the surface of our life and few people really get close enough to see more than the obvious in our lives.

The only way that an iceberg can be created is by breaking away from a snow-formed glacier or an ice shelf.

What is the source of your character? There are only two real choices. One is a default setting, the other is an intentional choice we must make. The default source of our character is what is known as our sinful nature. The predisposition to live for our self and seek to gratify our own desires at others’ expense. The source which requires intentionality is to submit our self to God and live out his purposes and plan for our life, to fulfill His desires at our expense.

Icebergs are made of freshwater but live in a saltwater environment and over time the saltwater environment erodes the freshwater iceberg.

What environment are you putting yourself in? Is it an environment that is caustic to your character, or is it an environment that protects your character. When I am careless and fail to monitor my environment effectively, it tends to have adverse affects on my character. And just like the iceberg, because the majority of my character is hidden, most people don’t get to see it. Often times I fail to see it unless I regularly take time to inspect under the surface.