Leaving a Legacy

Every now and then I come across a blog or an article or take part in a conversation where someone talks about ‘leaving a legacy.’ As I age (not always like fine wine… more often like fine whine) I understand the desire to leave a mark on this world. No one wants to live a life of insignificance. No one wants to feel like all they did was use up oxygen that more productive people could have put to better use.

As a Christ-follower, we are not to adopt the same value structure as the world. We are not to be concerned with leaving a legacy. We are challenged not to build our own kingdom. We are challenged not to build something that points back to us. We are to be involved in building something that points back to God.

We are to leave His legacy, not ours.

We are His servants, not our own.

It is about him, not us.

Servants are to quietly go about their master’s duty. Knowing that any glory goes to their master, not to themselves.

That I would be able to live and work in obscurity, that He would receive all the attention and glory!