Silence and Solitude

When our daughters were small we learned an interesting difference between them. One of them preferred being alone, one went out of her way to avoid being alone. You can only imagine the dynamics when these opposing desires appeared at the same time. As I’ve studied people I’ve seen this difference in people more and more clearly. There are reasons that go much deeper than simple introvert/extrovert temperaments. I’ve meet some people that are almost afraid to be alone!

One of the habits in Jesus’ life was to intentionally have times when he would retreat into solitude. It wasn’t that he was “peopled out” it served an important purpose that we also need in our lives. Jesus sought out times of solitude when he was weary or when he was being pressured to do or be something that was not true to who he was.

Mark 6:31-46 shows a time that Jesus taught his disciples to find a place of solitude when the demands of the people were preventing them from taking care of themselves!

John 6:14-15 shows a time when Jesus withdrew because the people were going to try to make him a political king.

Implementing the habit of solitude in your rhythm of life is incredibly important. When we fail to find those times of regular solitude, the pace of life can prevent us from taking care of ourselves and we can end up in an unhealthy condition.

As we grow weary, we can find ourselves being shaped by people’s expectations and demands instead of what God has designed us for!

When we are surrounded by people we can miss what God wants to do in our lives because of all the distractions. It is during those times of solitude that, if we are willing, God can gently place his finger on an area of our life that he wants to address. And when we give Him permission, he can begin to affect life-change.

Try to take some time today and create some solitude. Communicate to your family members so they know that you are not just emotionally withdrawing. Try to get alone for at least 15 minutes, minimize distractions and don’t work on a project. Get your Bible out and read a few verses and let God speak to you.