Do Not be Afraid!

To more than twenty leaders, God said: “Do not be afraid.”

Leadership can be scary for a number of reasons. Leadership, by definition, involves change. Maintaining the status quo doesn’t require leadership, that’s babysitting. Letting people do what they want doesn’t require leadership, that’s ambivalence. Leadership requires that we are stepping into new places AND others are coming along with us. As John Maxwell has stated, ‘a leader who has no followers, is simply someone who is out for a walk.’

Some of the things that can be scary about leadership include:

Fear of the Unknown: Many times we have to lead headlong into the unknown. (Gen, 46)

Fear of Inability: Most times God calls us to accomplish more than we can in our own strength. Counting the cost and forgetting God’s involvement as we move forward can paralyze us with fear. (Deut. 1)

Fear of Failure: There are times when leading requires huge risk of failure. (Deut. 7)

Fear of Confrontation: There are some who just don’t like confrontation (some like it too much), there are times, however, it must take place. (2 Kings 1)

Fear of Rejection: Many times leading others puts us in the place of making unpopular decisions. (Ezek. 2)

Fear of Embarrassment: Often times our personal reputation is put on the line. (Matt. 1)

Fear of Pain or Suffering: The pain of change is one of the most common reasons that leaders stall. (Rev. 2:10)

I think it is great when I hear a leader state with unequalled confidence, it can be inspiring. The Bible also contains many references to leaders telling those who are following them, ‘do not be afraid.’

I also have a second and simultaneous thought: “Really?” I mean, if the heroes of the faith had to be told, “Do not be afraid,” is it possible for anyone to lack a level of fear?