
For the last couple of weeks I’ve been enjoying my annual extended Sabbath. This year was a transition point in our family. Last year, it seems, was our last ‘family vacation.’ This year our eldest stayed home to work and minimize her accumulating student loan. Our middle child chose to join the youth Ministry Tour instead of spending time with us! So, my wife and I packed up with our 12 year old son and headed off.

I’ve learned about myself that it takes me a few days before I begin to unwind. This year was made more complex when I decided to attempt a washroom renovation. That turned out to be more akin to pouring gasoline on a fire than anything else. I didn’t get nearly as much done as I planned and that didn’t help with my stress level the first few days of vacation! However, once we blew town, I began to feel the stress dissipating from my body.

It was great to have the detox time, now it’s climbing back in the saddle and getting back up to speed.

BTW: I’ve decided that unless you are a boater, scuba diver or a drinker: you don’t need to spend more than a couple of days in Key West.