Value Added Living

I was recently thinking about the value that group life has added to my life. I grew up in church, a pastors home even. I can remember when I was a child being sick on Sundays and having to go and spend Sunday morning in my father’s office instead of in my bed. Going to church on Sunday is so normal to me that when I’m on vacation I feel guilty if I don’t find a church to go to.

That being said, there are huge benefits that I’ve gained in my life over more than a dozen years in structured group life. Benefits that exist, not because of Sunday mornings, but because I’ve chosen to live in close proximity with other believers.

1. Confession: As I have built the relationships within a small group of friends, I have found that trust grows, acceptance flows, and therefore confession is able to happen. I am able to express the things that God is putting his finger on in my life and I find the support and love of friends.

2. Application: As we discuss Scripture and talk about our lives it becomes obvious how a Scriptural principle can be specifically applied in my life, including ways that I would not have thought of on my own.

3. Accountability: I can think of times when, in the middle of a discussion, a group member will look at me and ask, “Didn’t you say you were going to ____ a few weeks ago? How is that going?” The consistency of meeting with my friends on a regular, intentional, frequent basis has allowed me to give the right to others to hold me accountable as I continue in my journey of spiritual formation.

4. Guidance in decision making: There are times, despite all my prayers, that I cannot discern the path that God wants me to walk. Getting to know people and being vulnerable with each other provides opportunity to get some godly feedback when I’m facing a decision. I know that I can trust these friends, I know they love me and have my best interests in mind, and I know the condition of their relationship with God. These factors sure make it easier to take their input and advice.

5. Encouragement, care, love and affirmation: There are times when I just need people to help lift me up. Everyone goes through the valleys. I can look to those in my small group as “Jesus with skin on.” The phone call, the email, the drop by visit; all things that let me know that people care.

Sunday mornings are an important part of our spiritual journey. Gathering with a large group of other believers is important for celebration and teaching. Sitting in a bunch of rows, staring at the back of a bunch of heads and the faces of only a few, misses out on so much of the life that God intends for us to experience.