#2 Responsibility
This is a continuation of a series of blog entries dealing with my results of the online assessment of Tom Rath’s book, Strengths Finder. My second highest ranking strength is Responsibility People who are especially talented in the Responsibility theme take psychological ownership of what they say they will do. They are committed to stable […]
#1 Connectedness
I’m drawn to personality and temperament analysis tools like bugs to the front of a car. I almost can’t stop myself from taking them. When I started hearing about the Strengths Finder book by Tom Rath it landed on my Amazon wish list pretty quick. Not too much later I had my hands on it […]
The Path Leads Somewhere
A friend in a former church that I served used to say of parenting, “Pick your path and live with where it leads.” No parent looks at their newborn and dreams of an emotionally broken, codependent, needy and/or abusive future for their child. No parent in their right mind would do that. Every parent wants […]
If a tree falls in the woods
There is an old Chinese proverb that says: “When a tree falls it makes a big noise; when a forest grows nobody hears anything.” In leadership we can be tempted to run toward the sound of “crashing trees.” After all, the excitement of sudden change can be quite alluring. We need to remember though that […]
Talking WITH God
Prayer is another critically important habit to have in your daily routine. Far too often the only consistent prayer time we have is just before we eat! And that prayer is often routine and rote. I read a book years ago written by a pastor of a very large church. The title of the book: […]