Life’s Not Fair
Every parent has heard the words. Every leader has heard the words. Every mediator has heard the words. “That’s not fair!” There is a root thought that causes us to want fairness and it isn’t a desire for fairness. A root cause for ‘fairness’ is actually greed. In Luke 12:13-15 there is a brief account […]
Have you ever had that one meal that when you finished you sat back and said, “Wow, my appetite is satisfied once and for all!”? Of course not, our appetite is something that cannot be permanently satisfied. In fact, feeding your appetite actually increases, not decreases, your appetite! Fasting isn’t an inherently spiritual activity – […]
Study Your Bible
When I was in college my great claim to fame was that my GPA went up every semester. What I don’t brag about is that I had a habit of cramming for exams. I’d attend classes (usually) and take notes. I’d even read (most) of the required reading (sometimes right in class). However, I rarely […]
Silence and Solitude
When our daughters were small we learned an interesting difference between them. One of them preferred being alone, one went out of her way to avoid being alone. You can only imagine the dynamics when these opposing desires appeared at the same time. As I’ve studied people I’ve seen this difference in people more and […]
Propelled Forward
The other day my wife and I were returning from Minni-SNOW-ta and had to go through Chicago. O’Hare is a rather large airport and to move from one concourse to another you’ve got to go below ground level and travel through tunnels. They have these “moving sidewalks” that propel you forward and give you the […]