
I’ve been issued a challenge by someone in the church to give up my Twitter usage for the 21 day fast that our church is going through. So, for the next 21 days, I’ll be disabling my twitter feed to my phone. The discipline will be not checking the webfeed. For the record, this is […]


At the beginning of my blogging life I thought it would be appropriate to acknowledge someone who helped get me into the bogging world. My only regret is that his influence in my blogging life will only be noted by the very few who are readers! Over the past few years I’ve gotten to know […]

March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins

Apparently a PennDot truck has managed to remove Comcast from all the homes in our area. No Eagles football game, nothing but static! I decided to stick in the dvd: March of the Penguins to help me get my Sunday afternoon snooze in. Well, before I got to sleep there were two ideas that came […]


We are within arms length of Christmas Day. A time of year when we focus on the fact that God loves us so much that he sent his son to earth. When we focus on the fact that Jesus loves us enough that he would be willing to set aside his royalty to identify with […]