Propelled Forward

The other day my wife and I were returning from Minni-SNOW-ta and had to go through Chicago. O’Hare is a rather large airport and to move from one concourse to another you’ve got to go below ground level and travel through tunnels. They have these “moving sidewalks” that propel you forward and give you the […]

Tying God’s Hands

There are some verses in Scripture that both excite me and make me nervous. Matthew 6:14 is one such verse: “If you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” I am excited by the fact that forgiveness is available for me. Those times when I’ve blow it and made […]

That’s Christmas!

Here’s a great video put together by a church in London, England. That’s Christmas (Short Film) HD from St Helen’s Church on Vimeo.

Leaving a Legacy

Every now and then I come across a blog or an article or take part in a conversation where someone talks about ‘leaving a legacy.’ As I age (not always like fine wine… more often like fine whine) I understand the desire to leave a mark on this world. No one wants to live a […]

An Incomplete List of People

Over the last few days I’ve been reflecting on the people who have been in my life over the years. God has brought many people who have impacted me in various ways into my life. Most importantly various family members; my wife, who has been a wonderful partner for more than 20 years in life […]