Twitter BREAK fast

Twitter BREAK fast

Twitter fast is over. Here are some thoughts that occurred to me through this self-imposed exile from twitter land. 1. It wasn’t that big a deal. 2. The biggest part of fasting from Twitter had to do with ‘relational maintenance.’ Being connected in the land of tweats did actually leave me feeling a little disconnected […]

You Need My Priorities

Have you ever wondered why people don’t have the money to do the things that you are so passionate about? Ever wondered why it is you don’t have the funds to do what others are so passionate about? I love to golf. Admittedly, it can be is an expensive hobby to take on. When people […]

Where did the money go?

While we were living in Michigan we went through the process of building our house. We’d heard that building a house is one of the most stressful undertakings a couple can embark on. The only thing we argued about was the doorknobs! I’ll never forget it, standing in Home Depot and ‘discussing’ what amounted to […]

Hugs Not Slugs

Recently someone told me of an interesting encounter they had in the hallway of the church. This individual, B____, told me of how they saw person C____ and asked the age old question, “How are you doing?” C____ proceeded to unload much of what was on their mind and heart. There were a few things […]

Who Restores You??

Who Restores You??

This article originally written for the CLC Car Show. When someone who has the skills to restore that old rusted out Chevy sees her in that state, does he see what is, or what could be? Someone who restores sees what could be. God looks at each of us in the same way. Not as […]