The Power of a Whisper by @BillHybels :: Book Review
I grew up in a “ministry home” and have spent a couple of decades in pastoral ministry. Some of the most exciting times I’ve experienced as I’ve walked alongside new believers is to watch as they learn to hear the voice of God. In his book, “The Power of a Whisper, Hearing God and Having […]
The Goodness of God by @randyalcorn : Book Review
The back cover of the book starts, “For those times when we’re wounded by broken trust, assaulted by disease, or victimized by evil – or when we’re crushed to see such things happen to people we love – Randy Alcorn offers something solid to hold on to.” I believe that he delivers on that with […]
The Grace of God by @andystanley : Book Review
The topic of Grace has had countless authors and theologians look at it from every angle. Many come at the topic from a theological perspective… and that is very appropriate! Stanley writes about the topic of grace with the heart of a Pastor. In typical Stanley style, he writes in a very conversational, easy reading […]
Outlive Your Life : Book Review
In his book, Outlive Your Life: You were Made to Make a Difference, Max Lucado challenges his readers to live lives of compassion. The only real way that our lives can last and have significance, is if we are focused on living for and serving others. Through a multitude of stories, Max inspires the reader […]
Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code : Book Review
Culture eats vision for lunch! You can change the look of the platform but nothing has changed until you address the culture. Samuel Chand presents a great look at what prevents successful change and transition in “Cracking Your Church’s Culture Code.” Chand presents the idea that it is a church’s culture that needs to be […]